Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Wolf Creek On the News

Here are some great pictures from the state hockey tournament where Wolf Creek was invited to accept a check awarded from the Toyota Drive for Education Grant.  Accepting the award on behalf of the school were faculty members Brenda Swanson and Sean Miller.
Swanson stated, "We are very excited to be recognized by Toyota for this great honor.  We know the money will be put to good use at Wolf Creek and will help students with the important 21st century skills of video production."
With the money awarded the school will purchase equipment for video production  that will be available for all students on campus.


Wolf Creek Gets Award

Wolf Creek Online High School is awarded the Prestigious School Finance Award

Wolf Creek Online High School was awarded the school finance award from the MN Department of Education this month.   The School Finance Award is awarded annually by the Minnesota Department of Education,  Division of School Finance. This award recognizes districts for timely submission of required financial data, accurate financial reporting and select indicators of fiscal health.  Tracy Quarnstrom, the charter school director, stated that “this award shows that Wolf Creek is in good financial standing.  It is a representation of all the hard work at Wolf Creek from the staff, school board, and especially our business manager, Heide Miller.”  Wolf Creek School board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month, at their campus located on Liberty Lane in Chisago City. Please contact Director, Tracy Quarnstrom at www.triowolfcreek if you would like to attend a meeting or have specific questions.