Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wolf Creek Students Explore Textiles Through Grant

Students At Wolf Creek Explore Textiles Through Grant
The start of the year had many students at Wolf Creek excited with a new course offered called Visual Culture: Visiting Textile Artist.  The charter school was part of a grant that funded the program which will run for two terms.  Sarah Langworthy, an artist from the Textile Center in Minneapolis, came to campus and taught students how to design fabric, create patterns, and sew.  The process had students create a pattern online which was printed onto yards of fabric.   The students created their own patterns and made an assortment of bags, purses, and packs out of their own designs.  A highlight for the students was a field trip to the Textile Center in Minneapolis where they hand dyed blocks of fabric and explored the world of fabric and designs.  Second term students will focus on aspects fashion design and create their own garments.