Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tis the Season...

Wolf Creek Delivers Toys for Tots
(click here to see us on the Kare 11 newscast!)
For the second year Wolf Creek Online High School collected toys for the US Marines Toys for Tots campaign.  “We collected more toys this year than last and hope that trend continues into next year,” said Lindsay Jarombek, the organizer of the drive.  Wolf Creek Students and faculty members delivered the toys on December 6th and were featured on the KARE 11 newscast.  Student representative, Raya Hunt, spoke on behalf of the school and highlighted the Teens for Teens campaign.  Often Toys for Tots runs low on gifts appropriate for teenagers and this year Wolf Creek was mindful of that and pushed for teen donations.  Wolf Creek would like to thank all of the students who generously donated this year! 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Guest Speaker Delivers Important Message to Students

On Thursday December 1st 2011, guest speaker Tom Warth was welcomed by students, faculty, and members of the community at Wolf Creek High School in Chisago City.  Warth, the founder of Books for Africa, delivered several important messages to the students about the importance of giving, working hard, and creating multiple opportunities for success.  Warth shared incredible stories from a lifetime of adventures and journeys with an impressive slideshow featuring images from his many trips to Africa.  Those in attendance learned a great deal about the organization Books for Africa and how it began.  Thanks to Mr. Warth, BFA has sent over 25 million books to countries in Africa. 

Wolf Creek would like to thank Tom Warth for donating his time and sharing his passion for Books for Africa. Wolf Creek Book Drive ends January 1st 2012.   For more information on donating used books contact Jessie DeCorsey 651-213-2053.